Monday Night Step Study

Click on a link below to hear the Simple Actions meeting. Click on the Format link above to read the paragraphs that are the subject of the step discussed.


Growth and Living Workshop – 9/11/2024 – Cleo D. Ralph W. and Chris R. AUDIO

JanuaryStep 1bStep 2Step 3Step 4aStep 4b
FebruaryStep 567Step 89aStep 89bStep 10 
MarchStep 11Step 12aStep 12bBrian D. 
AprilStep 1aStep 1bStep 2Step 3Step 4a
MayStep 4bStep 567Step 89aStep 89b 
JuneStep 10Step 11Step 12aStep 12b 
JulyCarolina D.Step 1aStep 1bStep 2Step 3
AugStep 4aStep 4bStep 567Step 89a 
SeptStep 89bStep 10Step 11Step 12aStep 12b
OctStep 1aSaaSStep 1bStep 2 
NovStep 3Step 4aStep 4bStep 567 
DecStep 89aStep 89bStep 10Step 11Step 12a


Safety Workshop – Audio with resource links

JanuaryStep 4bStep 567Step 89aStep 89bStep 10
FebruaryStep 11Step 12aStep 12bDebbie S. 
MarchStep 1aStep 1bStep 2Step 3 
AprilStep 4aStep 4bStep 567Step 89a 
MayStep 89bStep 10Step 11Step12aStep 12b
JuneBuster H.Step 1aStep 1bStep 2 
JulyStep 3Step 4aStep 4bStep 567Step 89a
AugustStep 89bStep 10Step 11Step 12a 
SeptemberStep 12bAngie M.Step 1aStep 1b 
OctoberStep 2Step 3Step 4aStep 4bStep 567
NovemberStep 89aStep 89bStep 10Step 11 
DecemberStep 12aStep 12bSuzy S.Step 1a 
Sunday Ask-It Basket – The Quarantine Edition


Arisa B.Ray J.Ron K.Julie L.Ian L.Judith R.
Charlie P.John T.Judy L.Eric W.Jim H.Kat V.
Chris B.Sarah I.Don L.Kathleen E.Pat O.Suzy A.
Jeffery N.Kent D.Marilyn S.Meg B.Pat Y.Brian D.
Valerie T.Amy F.JoshuaNick H.Charlie C.Don. M
The Family Afterward Workshop – Polly P. and James L. 


Don. MRalph W,Chris R.Sharon C.Polly P.Jerry W.
Gary B.Steve L.Rich B.Mike B.Danny B.Carla R.
Ray S.Bob D.Angie M.Doug R.Tina A.Craig W.
Local AAsPaul McQMarti R.Mike S.David D.Beth H.
Chris S.Kelley B.Jeff V.Stacy S.Katie P.Brian K.
Marty C.Candice M.Anna C.Myers R.Christy E.Peter M.
Blind Dave
Monday Night Step Study

Click on a link below to hear the Simple Actions meeting. Click on the Format link above to read the paragraphs that are the subject of the step discussed.


JanuaryStep 10Step 11Step 12aStep 12bScott T.
FebruaryStep 1aStep 1bStep 2Step 3 
MarchStep 4aStep 4bStep 567Step 89a 
AprilStep 89bStep 10Step 11Step 12a 
MayStep 12bChris W.Step 1aStep1bStep 2
JuneStep 3Step 4aStep 4bStep 567 
JulyStep 89aStep 89bStep 10Step 11 
AugustStep 12aStep 12bJerry W.Step 1aStep 1b
SeptemberStep 2Step 3Step 4aStep4b 
OctoberStep 567Step 89aStep 89bStep 10NR
NovemberStep 12aStep 12bLauren M.Step 1a 
DecemberStep 1bStep 2Step 3Step 4a 


JanuarySammie G.Step 1aStep 1bStep 2 
FebruaryStep 3Step 4aStep 4bStep 567 
MarchStep 89aStep 89bStep 10Step 11Step 12a
AprilStep 12bJack D.Step 1aStep 1b 
MayStep 2Step 3Step 4aStep 4bStep 567
JuneStep 89aStep 89bStep 10Step 11 
JulyStep 12aStep 12bCleo D.Step 1a 
AugustStep 1bStep 2Step 3Step 4aStep 4b
SeptemberStep 567Step 89aStep 89bStep 10 
OctoberStep 11Step 12aStep 12bJohn P. 
NovemberStep 1aStep 1bStep 2Step 3Step 4a
DecemberStep 4bStep 567Step 89aStep 89b 


JanuaryStep 3Step 4aStep 4bStep 567 
FebruaryStep 89aStep 89bStep 10Step 11 
MarchStep 12aStep 12bTrent S.Step 1aStep 1b
AprilStep 2Step 3Step 4aStep 4b 
MayStep 567Step 89aStep 89bStep 10 
JuneStep 11Step 12aStep 12bNathan IStep 1a
JulyStep 1bStep 2Step 3Step 4a 
AugustStep 4bStep 567Step 89aStep 89bStep 10
SeptemberStep 11Step 12aStep 12bSaaS 
OctoberStep 1aStep 1bStep 2Step 3 
NovemberStep 4aStep 4bStep 567Step 89aStep 89b
DecemberStep 10Step 11Step 12aStep 12b 


JanuaryStep 89aStep 89bStep 10Step 11 
February Step12aStep 12bNeeve K.Step 1a 
March  Step 1b Step 2Step 3 Step 4a 
April Step 4bStep 567Step 89aStep 89bStep 10
MayStep 11Step 12aStep 12b Steve M. 
June Step 1aStep 1bStep 2Step 3 
July Step 4aStep 4bStep 567Step 89a 
August Step 89bStep10Step11Step12aStep 12b
SeptemberDon M.Step 1aStep 1bStep 2Step 3
OctoberStep 4aStep 4bStep 567Step 89a 
NovemberStep 89bStep 10Step11Step 11 
DecemberStep 12bSaaSStep 1aStep 1bStep 2


JanuaryStep12aStep12bChris R.Step1a 
February Step1bStep 2Step 3Step 4a 
March  Step 4b Step 567Step 89a Step 89b 
April Step 10Step 11Step 12aStep 12bPhyllis D.
MayStep 1aStep 1bStep 2 Step 3 
June Step 4aStep 4bStep 567Step 89a 
July Step 89bStep 10Step 11Step 12a Step 12b
August Paul McQStep1aStep1bStep2 
NovemberStep12bMerv L.Step1aStep1b 


January Step1asnowStep2Step3Step4a
February Step4bStep 567Step89aStep89b 
March Step10Step11Step12aStep12b 
April Evan C. Step1aStep1bStep2 
MayStep3Step4aStep4b Step567Step89a
JuneStep 89bStep10Step11nr 
July Step12bMike T.Step1aStep1b Step2
August Step3 Step4a Step4b Step567 
September Step89aStep89bStep 10Step 11 
October Step 12a Step12bBilly H.Step1a Step1b
NovemberStep2Step 3Step4aStep4b 
December Step567Step89aStep89b Step 10 nr


January Step 4aStep4bStep 5,6,7 Step 8,9a 
February Step 8,9b Step 10Step 11Step 12aStep 12b
March Mark G. Step 1a Step 1bStep 2 
AprilStep 3 Step 4a Step 4bStep 5,6,7 
May Step 8,9aStep 8,9bStep 10 Step 11  Step 12a
JuneStep 12b Buster H  Step 1a Step 1b 
JulyStep 2Step 3 Step 4aStep 4b 
AugustStep 5,6,7Step 8,9aStep 8,9b  Step 10    Step 11
SeptemberStep 12aStep 12b John M.Step 1a 
OctoberStep 1bStep 2Step 3Step 4aStep 4b
NovemberStep 5,6,7 Step 8,9aStep 8,9bStep 10 
DecemberStep 11Step 12aStep 12b Al J. 


JanuaryStep 8,9bStep 10Step 11Step 12a 
FebruaryStep 12bSammienrStep 1b 
MarchStep 2Step 3Step 4aStep 4b Step 5,6,7
AprilStep 8,9aStep 8,9bStep 10Step 11 
MayStep 12aStep 12bJustin S.Step 1a 
JuneStep 1bStep 2Step 3Step 4a 
JulyStep 5,6,7Step 8,9aStep 8,9bStep 10 
August Step 11nrStep 12bBob E.Step 1a
September Step 1b Step 2 Step 3 Step 4a 
OctoberStep 4bStep 5,6,7Step 8,9aStep 8,9b 
November nrStep 11Step 12aStep 12b  CB P.
December Step 1a Step 1b Step 2 Step 3 

Bob D. and Val – Lack of Power
Bob D. and Val – Came to Believe
Bob D. and Val – Trust God
Bob D. and Val – Clean House
Bob D. and Val – Help Others

Jerry W. and Rich B. – Powerless
Jerry W. and Rich B. – Made a decision
Jerry W. and Rich B. – Inventory
Jerry W. and Rich B. – Amends
Jerry W. and Rich B. – Working with Others


JanuaryStep 12bJerry WStep 1aStep 1b 
FebruaryStep 2Step 3Step 4aStep 4b 
MarchStep 5,6,7Step 8,9Step 10 Step 11 
AprilStep 12aStep 12bJim WStep 1a 
MayStep 1bStep 2 Step 3Step 4a 
JuneStep 4bStep 5,6,7Step 8,9a Step 8,9bStep 10
JulyStep 11Step 12aStep 12bWill B 
AugustStep 1a Step 1bStep 2Step 3 
SeptemberStep 4aStep 4bStep 5,6,7Step 8,9aStep 8,9b
OctoberStep 10Step 11Step 12aStep 12b 
November Mike BStep 1a Step 1b nr 
DecemberStep 3Step 4aStep 4bStep 5,6,7Step 8,9a

Christy and Sammie – Steps 1&2 09May14
Christy and Sammie – Steps 3&4 09May14
Christy and Sammie – Steps 5,6,7 (missed recording)
Christy and Sammie – Steps 8&9 10May14
Christy and Sammie – Steps 10&11 10May14
Christy and Sammie – Step 12 10May14

Courtland and Valerie – Inventory 12SEP14
Courtland and Valerie – Amends 12SEP14
Courtland and Valerie – Understanding and Effectiveness 13SEP14
Courtland and Valerie – Sponsorship 13SEP14
Courtland and Valerie – Primary Purpose 13SEP14


JanuaryStep 2 Rich B. Step 3Step 4a 
FebruaryStep 4bStep 5,6,7Step 8,9aStep 8,9b 
MarchStep 10Step 11Step 12  
AprilChristy E.Step 1aStep 1bStep 2Step 3
MayStep 4aStep 4bStep 5,6,7Steps 8,9 
JuneStep 10Step 11Step 12a  
JulyStep 12bNathanStep 1a Step 1bStep 2
AugustStep 3Step 4aStep 4bStep 5,6,7 
SeptemberStep 8,9aStep 8,9bStep 10Step 11Step 12a
October Step 12b Step 1a Step 1b Step 2 
NovemberStep 3Step 4aStep 4bStep 5,6,7 
DecemberStep 8,9aStep 8,9bStep 10 Step 11 Step 12a

Speaker Bob D 20131025 Friday
Speaker Bob D 20131026 Saturday 0930 am
Speaker Bob D 20131026 Saturday 11 am
Speaker Bob D 20131026 Saturday 130 pm
Speaker Bob D 20131026 Saturday 3 pm


OctoberStep 3Step 4a   
NovemberStep 5,6,7Step 8,9aStep 8,9bStep 10 
DecemberStep 11Step 12aStep 12bStep 1aStep 1b

Extras Step 4 – part 1 – Resentments above has a Figure of a written inventory  (click ” [Photograph Chalk Talk]” ). To Play/Stream audio – Click on a link above and a new tab will open and begin to play the audio  immediately or may buffer for a few minutes on a low speed connection before beginning… All done – Enjoy the meeting. If the above streaming method does not work for you, to your liking (A few have said it was slow to begin on their machine!) – try the method below to Download the file;

  • To Download file to store on your computer or any .mp3 player/or phone – Right Click link above and select  “Save link as…” from the drop down menu…
  • A Window will open where you can select your My Music, or any other Folder on your computer to store the selected file. The files are usually 65 to 72 Mbytes (60 minutes (.mp3)) which will take about 5 to 15 minutes to download on a  slower connection (mid speed cable) and much faster on a high speed cable connection.
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